ajax调用返回php接口返回json数据的方法(必看篇) php代码如下: js代码如下: 其中遇到了两个问题: 1、第一个问题: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : 解决方案如下: This has just happened to me, and the reason was none of the reasons above. I was using the jQuery command getJSON and adding callback=? to use JSONP (as I needed to go cross-domain), and returning the JSON code {"foo":"bar"} and getting the error. This is because I should have included the callback data, something like jQuery17209314005577471107_1335958194322({"foo":"bar"}) Here is the PHP code I used to achieve this, which degrades if JSON (without a callback) is used: $ret['foo'] = "bar"; finish(); function finish() { header("content-type:application/json"); if ($_GET['callback']) { print $_GET['callback']."("; } print json_encode($GLOBALS['ret']); if ($_GET['callback']) { print ")"; } exit; } Hopefully that will help someone in the future. 2、第二个问题: 解析json数据。从上面的javascript中可以看到,我没有使用jquery.parseJSON()这些方法,开始使用这些方法,但是总是会报 VM219:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1的错误,后来不用jquery.parseJSON()这个方法,反而一切正常。不知为何。 以上这篇ajax调用返回php接口返回json数据的方法(必看篇)就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持中文源码网。