修改正确的asp冒泡排序 网上搜到的代码,千篇一律是这个 Function Sort(ary) Dim KeepChecking,I,FirstValue,SecondValue KeepChecking = TRUE Do Until KeepChecking = FALSE KeepChecking = FALSE For I = 0 to UBound(ary) If I = UBound(ary) Then Exit For If ary(I) > ary(I+1) Then FirstValue = ary(I) SecondValue = ary(I+1) ary(I) = SecondValue ary(I+1) = FirstValue KeepChecking = TRUE End If Next Loop Sort = ary End Function 存在错误。。。。。。 测试一下就知道 s="11,3,1" s=sort(split(s,",")) for i=0 to ubound(s) response.write s(i) & "
" next 打印结果是 1 11 3 正确的function是: function sort(ary) ck=true do Until ck = false ck=false For f = 0 to UBound(ary) -1 if clng(ary(f))>clng(ary(f+1)) then v1=clng(ary(f)) v2=clng(ary(f+1)) ary(f)=v2 ary(f+1)=v1 ck=true end if next loop sort=ary end function 就差在一个clng() 但好笑的是,有些数组,用那个错误的sort函数是可以排正确的。