Asp中随机产生用户密码的代码 随机产生用户密码(good),说明:通过随机产生密码,然后将密码EMail给注册用户,你可以确认用户的EMail填写是否正确。 说明:通过随机产生密码,然后将密码EMail给注册用户,你可以确认用户的EMail填写是否正确。自动产生的密码往往安全性更高,同时,你可以过滤那些无效的用户。   把下面的代码保存为random.asp文件: 复制代码 代码如下:<% Sub StrRandomize(strSeed)   Dim i, nSeed   nSeed = CLng(0)   For i = 1 To Len(strSeed)     nSeed = nSeed Xor ((256 * ((i - 1) Mod 4) * AscB(Mid(strSeed, i, 1))))   Next   Randomize nSeed End Sub Function GeneratePassword(nLength)   Dim i, bMadeConsonant, c, nRnd   Const strDoubleConsonants = "bdfglmnpst"   Const strConsonants = "bcdfghklmnpqrstv"   Const strVocal = "aeiou"   GeneratePassword = ""   bMadeConsonant = False   For i = 0 To nLength     nRnd = Rnd     If GeneratePassword <> "" AND (bMadeConsonant <> True) AND (nRnd < 0.15) Then       c = Mid(strDoubleConsonants, Int(Len(strDoubleConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)       c = c & c   i = i + 1       bMadeConsonant = True     Else       If (bMadeConsonant <> True) And (nRnd < 0.95) Then         c = Mid(strConsonants, Int(Len(strConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)         bMadeConsonant = True       Else         c = Mid(strVocal,Int(Len(strVocal) * Rnd + 1), 1)         bMadeConsonant = False       End If     End If     GeneratePassword = GeneratePassword & c   Next   If Len(GeneratePassword) > nLength Then     GeneratePassword = Left(GeneratePassword, nLength)   End If End Function %>   然后在你的目标程序中这样调用上面的代码,就可以实现密码的自动生成:(仅仅是一个例子,你可以把他们粘贴到一个Test.asp的文件中,然后运行Test.asp) 复制代码 代码如下: <% '产生一个六位的密码 StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd) response.write GeneratePassword(6) %>

<% '产生一个8位的密码 StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd) response.write GeneratePassword(8) %>

<% '产生一个10位的密码 StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd) response.write GeneratePassword(10) %>

<% '产生1000个密码 dim t, t2   for t = 1 to 500   For t2 = 1 to 661   StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd)   next   StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd)   response.write GeneratePassword(6)   response.write "
" next %>