ASP新闻分页,将一篇过长的文章分页,生成静态页面 上次还是CSDN里的朋友回答的,我复制了下来。原文如下 =========================== 利用统计文章字数,然后达到一定字数就截断输出,但是分页的内容就会在莫名其妙的地方截断,不是很友好。   很简单,在要截断的地方附近找下面的符号: ;'”?。!;'".!   如果后面存在

就分页。主要是要研究文章的格式。 <% if Request.ServerVariables("Content_Length") > 0 then content = Request.Form("textarea1")PageLength = 1000 '每页字数 CLength = Len(content) PageCount = Int(Clength/PageLength) + 1 '计算页数dim PageArray redim PageArray(PageCount)Seperator = Array(chr(13),chr(10),"。","!","?",";",",","”","'") '分隔符PageArray(0) = 0 Pos = 0 for j=0 to ubound(Seperator) Pos = instr(PageArray(i)+900,content,Seperator(j)) 'PageArray(i)+900 附近位置是100字,1-999可调 while Pos > 0 and Pos < (i+1)*PageLength and Pos > i*PageLength PageArray(i) = Pos Pos = instr(Pos+PageLength,content,Seperator(j)) wendif PageArray(i) > 0 then Response.Write "0:i¦ "&PageArray(i)&"
" j = j + ubound(Seperator) + 1 end if nextfor i=1 to PageCount-1 PageArray(i) = 0 Pos = 0 for j=0 to ubound(Seperator) Pos = instr(PageArray(i-1)+950,content,Seperator(j)) while Pos > 0 and Pos < (i+1)*PageLength and Pos > i*PageLength PageArray(i) = Pos Pos = instr(Pos+PageLength,content,Seperator(j)) wend if PageArray(i) > 0 then Response.Write i&":i¦ "&PageArray(i)&"
" j = j + ubound(Seperator) + 1 end if next nextoutput = mid(content,1,PageArray(0)) output = replace(output,chr(13),"
") Response.Write "

" Response.Write outputfor i=1 to PageCount-2 output = mid(content,PageArray(i-1)+1,PageArray(i)-PageArray(i-1)) output = replace(output,chr(13),"
") Response.Write "

" Response.Write output next'最后一段的输出就没写了else %>

<%end if%> --------------------------------------------------------------- 定义有 每页面长度 MaxLength 文本总长度 TotalLength 扫描文章中每一个段尾处的硬回车 并计算该处长度 一旦超过 MaxLength 则分成第一页 删除此硬回车前的部分 重复上述操作。