python抓取网页图片示例(python爬虫) 复制代码 代码如下:#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-4-24 @author: Leon Wong''' import urllib2import urllibimport reimport timeimport osimport uuid #获取二级页面urldef findUrl2(html): re1 = r'\d+/\d+/|http://\w+(?= totalsize:# print '下载完成' def quitit(): print "Bye!" exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': print ''' ***************************************** ** Welcome to Spider for TUCHONG ** ** Created on 2014-4-24 ** ** @author: Leon Wong ** *****************************************''' pageNo = raw_input("Input the page number you want to scratch (1-100),please input 'quit' if you want to quit>") while not pageNo.isdigit() or int(pageNo) > 100 : if pageNo == 'quit':quitit() print "Param is invalid , please try again." pageNo = raw_input("Input the page number you want to scratch >") #针对图虫人像模块来爬取 html = getHtml(""+str(pageNo)) detllst = findUrl2(html) for detail in detllst: html2 = getHtml(detail) download(html2,pageNo) print "Finished."