Python实现购物车功能的方法分析 本文实例讲述了Python实现购物车功能的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1、程序的源代码如下: salary = input('input your salary:') if salary.isdigit: salary = int(salary) else: exit('salary is not digit!!') welcome_msg = 'welcome to our shoping mall' print(,'-')) product_list = [ ('Iphone',5888), ('Mac Air',8000), ('XiaoMi',19.9), ('coffee',30), ('Tesla',820000), ('Bike',700), ('Cloth',200) ] shop_car = [] #推出标志位 exit_flag = 0 while exit_flag is not True: print('product list :'.center(50,'-')) for item in enumerate(product_list): index = item[0] #获得商品序号 p_name = item[1][0] #获得商品名称 p_price= item[1][1] #获得商品价格 print(index,p_name,p_price) user_choice = input('[q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:') if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list): #输入的商品序号要在范围之内 p_item = product_list[user_choice] #选择的商品 if p_item[1] <= salary: #买得起 shop_car.append(p_item) #放入购物车 salary -= p_item[1] #减钱 print('purchased products are:'.center(40, '-')) for item in shop_car: print(item) print('Your balance is [%s]' % salary) else: #买不起 print('Your balance is [%s],cannot buy the product!'%salary) else: print('we do not have the product,please input again!') elif user_choice == 'q' or user_choice == 'quit': print('purchased products are:'.center(40,'-')) for item in shop_car: print(item) print('END '.center(40,'-')) print('Your balance is [%s]'%salary) exit_flag =True elif user_choice == 'c' or user_choice == 'check': print('purchased products are:'.center(40, '-')) for item in shop_car: print(item) print('Your balance is %d' % salary) print('Check '.center(40, '-')) else: print('Incorrect input ,please input again!!') 2、程序运行结果 input your salary:10000 -----------welcome to our shoping mall------------ ------------------product list :------------------ 0 Iphone 5888 1 Mac Air 8000 2 XiaoMi 19.9 3 coffee 30 4 Tesla 820000 5 Bike 700 6 Cloth 200 [q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:0 added [[('Iphone', 5888)]] into shop car ,yourcurrent balence is 4112 ------------------product list :------------------ 0 Iphone 5888 1 Mac Air 8000 2 XiaoMi 19.9 3 coffee 30 4 Tesla 820000 5 Bike 700 6 Cloth 200 [q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:1 Your balance is [4112],cannot buy the product! ------------------product list :------------------ 0 Iphone 5888 1 Mac Air 8000 2 XiaoMi 19.9 3 coffee 30 4 Tesla 820000 5 Bike 700 6 Cloth 200 [q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:c shop car list are [[('Iphone', 5888)]],your balance is 4112 ------------------product list :------------------ 0 Iphone 5888 1 Mac Air 8000 2 XiaoMi 19.9 3 coffee 30 4 Tesla 820000 5 Bike 700 6 Cloth 200 [q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:4 Your balance is [4112],cannot buy the product! ------------------product list :------------------ 0 Iphone 5888 1 Mac Air 8000 2 XiaoMi 19.9 3 coffee 30 4 Tesla 820000 5 Bike 700 6 Cloth 200 [q=quit,c=check] what do you want to buy?:q --------purchased products are:--------- ('Iphone', 5888) ------------------END ------------------ Your balance is [4112] Process finished with exit code 0 3、学习到的知识点 (1)print('product list :'.center(50,'-')) >>> print('product list :'.center(50,'-')) ------------------product list :------------------ (2)for item in enumerate(product_list): >>> for item in enumerate(product_list): print(item) (0, ('Iphone', 5888)) (1, ('Mac Air', 8000)) (2, ('XiaoMi', 19.9)) (3, ('coffee', 30)) (4, ('Tesla', 820000)) (5, ('Bike', 700)) (6, ('Cloth', 200)) enumerate函数返回一个生成器对象:(index,item)的元组。 (3)这里使用了列表+元组的形式存储商品列表,而不是字典,因为字典是无序的,每次打印顺序都不一样,而且不能通过索引进行取值。 更多关于Python相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《Python数据结构与算法教程》、《Python加密解密算法与技巧总结》、《Python编码操作技巧总结》、《Python函数使用技巧总结》、《Python字符串操作技巧汇总》及《Python入门与进阶经典教程》 希望本文所述对大家Python程序设计有所帮助。